Big Daddy and Gigi vs. The Plotts

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Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I love you!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Other Job

Everybody who wants to can give me a hard time about this "needing a plan thing," but here is what happens when you don't have a plan. Peter and I have now planned a 4yr old's birthday party for 10am, replied yes to a wedding for 6:30 pm, and have his all day affair 20 year reunion already paid for and replied to all on the same day with Father's Day the next day, so no wiggle room on the birthday party if we want any of his friends to come. While I could simply refer to the very first of my blogs about people and plans, I would rather draw attention to the fact that with out me Peter would not even be aware that all of this is happening on the same day until the week before despite that he told me all three items at the same time. I have become his personal secretary. AND I LOVE IT! I feel like it is what I was made to do. The problem is it is easily a 40 hour a week position and I don't get paid for it. :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Rose By Anyother Name... would be Stella!

Nanny turned 86! this week. We all met at the food court to celebrate over lunch. See pictures below. This rose is from her front yard. She is pretty amazing!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Tech Savy

Alright.... so now everyone I know is going to find my blog. Although I started it as a place to vent, I am now going to have to keep it clean and not talk about any of my loved ones anymore. The least two people I would have assumed to create a blog now have one... my mom and sister. Luckily for me, they are not typically the people I am venting about. But none the less, this blog has been deleted of past blog comments to start fresh as just a way to share fun things rather than vent about life and its unruly ways. So if you were looking to reread my rant and raves of days gone by.... sorry, you'll just have to keep checking for future excitement with amazing grace.

So to update everyone: Who am I kidding, there is nothing to update. Life is grand and I am still waiting...