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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well, I did it!!

It has been a while since I have had time to blog... I have been busy making big changes in my life!
I am officially unemployed!!
I left Kaplan on Friday. After 5 years it was time to say goodbye! Hopefully someday they will learn that taking advantage of their employees and paying them dirt is not a fair way to do business. I resigned making sure that my resignation letter gave some insight to my feelings about the director that I had and the job requirements vs the pay...and while the letter was very professional... they did not take me up on the 2 week notice that I offered. Luckily, I expected that and had already prepared to leave the same day.
So now it is on to packing, moving, and job hunting....
I already have an interview this week and have applied to a couple a of positions, but if you know of anything that would be interesting for me, please send the info my way!
I will post more later...


Kelly Reser said...

I'm so proud of you! I love you and I am praying that God shows you the perfect job for you! Love, Your Sista

Moore Time in Italy said...

We will be praying for you here in Italy. I know the girls miss you. You need to get a job that pays enough money for a flight to Italy. Free room and board! How can you beat that!
We love you.

Mary Beth Spann said...

I bet that was hard, but glad you did it! Hope you find a job you love soon!